Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Better Sleep with the dōTERRA Serenity Stick + Valerian

Don't you think it's time to get better sleep?

Preparing for bedtime has never been easier with the convenience, quick absorption, and smooth application of the doTERRA Serenity Stick + Valerian. Learn more. Rub on your chest, neck ... on the bottoms of your feet as you're settling down for rest.
dōTERRA Serenity® Restful Blend includes CPTG* - certified pure tested grade - Lavender essential oil known to be soothing to the skin when applied topically while delivering a comforting, grounding aroma that contributes to an environment of restful sleep.

The stick combines the restful blend with Valerian essential oil to help create an atmosphere that gently entices comfort and relaxation when practicing healthy sleep hygiene; it's free from parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.

If you're the type that struggles to wind down at bedtime ... like me, sometimes ... this is certainly a helpful tool! The Serenity stick is a part of the dōT Sleep System which has some exciting suggestions based on epigenetics† testing:
  • Supports improved sleep quality, glucose metabolism, cellular fitness and function, and healthy sleep by maintaining circadian rhythms critical to keeping a healthy sleep cycle.^
  • Helps regulate healthy sleep, immune function, and inflammatory response.^ Combining the dōTERRA Serenity Sleep System with smart sleep hygiene habits can help you get the rest you deserve.^
*dōTERRA wellness products undergo strict internal and 3rd party testing to ensure purity. No fillers or additives, because it's IMPORTANT for you to be able to trust that your EO's will provide an expected result based on the plant's chemical constituents!

If you aren't already connected with a Wellness Advocate, I would love to help answer any questions you have. Feel free to send an email to wellness@jabsplethora.com.

My family started learning about and using dōTERRA wellness products in mid-2015. Our health and wellness - physical, mental and emotional - has been positively impacted ... to the point where I would never want to go back. And that's just us ... I know families who have also experienced positive outcomes because of dōTERRA's commitment to purity. 

The "learn more" link included above is my dōT affiliate link, which means 1) that I'll get a ping when you use it to make a purchase and 2) that I can send you a thank you gift! It also offers the opportunity to start a wholesale membership for FREE ... think Sam's/Costco/BJ's. Membership lasts one (1) year and gives you 25% off retail prices.


† Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.

^These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Be My Valentine

Won’t You Be My Valentine?

So, there’s some ire from my community who is outside of the US, since the postal pick-me-ups* are only available for mailing addresses based in the United States.

Oh friends, it’s not because I don’t want to send you a card …

… it’s because the current amount of treasure won’t cover the cost of international postage.

If you happen to be outside of the US and really want a Valentine from me, would you be open a digital note?
  • You can email me at sme@jabsloveletters.com and let me know
  • You can also sign up for the newsletter (which will be focused on love and encouragement this month).
If you ARE based in the US … and just now coming across this opportunity, yes - I’d love to send you a postal pick-me-up* in honor of Valentine’s Day.

Yes. That's right. I am, in fact, asking: won’t you be my Valentine?

💌 There’s no sign up form. Just send an email with your name and US-based address to sme@jabsloveletters.com.

Yes, this is free. There’s no purchase necessary.

🐌 *When I say postal pick-me-up, what I mean is a literal postcard sent via snail-mail that will hopefully bring a smile to your face! If you're like, "Ah, Jen - I need more information!" That’s fair. I would want details too. There’s a project page here on the blog: Send Me Encouragement (SME) — keep in mind, there are a limited number of postcards (and postage) available.

And yes, this continues to be a part of my birthday month celebration.

Because - as I said before - positive ripples make me happy!

Now, if you'd like to contribute to my efforts, I am happy to accept your kind generosity!

Option 1: take a look at the shop and make a purchase if you feel so called

Option 2: maybe, you just want to buy me a cuppa coffee or a treat (see digital options below) and please know that I receive your kindness with an open-heart of gratitude!
  • CashApp: $jabsplethora
  • Venmo: @jabsplethora
  • PayPal: paypal.me/jenbusfield
I am loving this … so please expect more send me encouragement (sme)/birthday fun to come!


You are worthy of finding a safe space within love that offers you the opportunity to be fully vulnerable and seen, showered with grace and generosity — and a deep knowing that you belong.

You are worthy of offering it to yourself and receiving it from yourself; you are worth of loving your great soul.

You are worth of receiving it from someone else and offering it back in an exchange of full-hearted intimacy with another great soul.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 36

You ARE worthy of a magnificent life and a magnanimous love.

Magnanimous. It’s a mouthful of a word.

Official definition from Merriam-Webster:

1: showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit

2: showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind

In a quick online search, you may find a different shade of definition that includes a different kind vibe:

generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.

It’s origin is Latin: “Magnus” meaning great and “animus” meaning soul.

Great soul.

You are worthy of a great soul love.

You are worthy of finding a safe space within love that offers you the opportunity to be fully vulnerable and seen, showered with grace and generosity — and a deep knowing that you belong.

You are worthy of offering it to yourself and receiving it from yourself; you are worth of loving your great soul.

You are worth of receiving it from someone else and offering it back in an exchange of full-hearted intimacy with another great soul.


And if you’d like a reminder, I can offer a simple (and free) postal pick-me-up* in honor of Valentine’s Day.

If fact, yes — I am asking: would you be my Valentine?

💌 There’s no sign up form. Just send an email with your name and US-based address to sme@jabsloveletters.com.

🐌 *When I say postal pick-me-up, what I mean is a literal postcard sent via snail-mail that will hopefully bring a smile to your face! If you're like, "Ah, Jen - I need more information!" I got you! Take a look at this project description here on the blog. Limited number available.

And yes, this continues to be a part of my birthday month celebration.

Because positive ripples make me happy!

If you'd like to contribute to my efforts, please take a look at the shop and make a purchase if you feel so called.

Or maybe, you just want to buy me a cuppa coffee or a treat (you can find me as jabsplethora on venmo/cash app) -- and please know that I receive your kindness with an open-heart of gratitude!

More send me encouragement (sme)/birthday fun to come!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Send Me Encouragement February 2025 Free Bundle

February is my birthday month! Yes!! Woohoo!

I am an Aquarius baby. Figures, huh?

Creating graphics that help encourage others is an act of self-care, a normal-every-day celebratory act. It allows me to express my creativity and follow my heart's call to lift others up, focus on hope and shine my unique light.

All things that are good for my soul.

We also happen to find ourselves in a time and space where encouragement is needed more than ever. 

We're overwhelmed with an onslaught of negative perspectives that pull us down; and we need the community of higher vibe'd individuals to take up space in all places of reality.

With that in mind, if you want to share some inspiring thoughts with your friends/family, team, community, groups and followers - but don't have time to whip them up ... I'd love to share a handful with you.

✨ Here's the link - https://bit.ly/sme-0225B - to access 10 graphics to use as you help encourage others.

And happy birthday to me!

Because ripples emanating in a positive way definitely make me happy.

If you'd like to contribute to my efforts or projects (see the Send Me Encouragement page here on the blog), please take a look at the shop and make a purchase if you feel so called.

Or maybe, you just want to buy me a cuppa coffee or a treat (you can find me as jabsplethora on venmo/cash app) -- and please know that I receive your kindness with an open-heart of gratitude! And if you're a hugger, consider yourself hugged. Because the oxytocin is good for both of us!

More fun send me encouragement/birthday fun to come! The month is just getting started after all! 

Reflections Year 43 Day 359

"I'm a fellow noobie. Welcome!"

She was so pleasant I did a little happy dance and responded, "Hi! Great to meet you!"

But she was still talking, "We can struggle together..."

😳 I stopped.
😬 She added, "Or dance."

✨ I told her, "Sounds like life to me: we struggle, then we dance."

We chuckled together sharing a frequency of understanding and acceptance.

🥰 It's nice to have such an authentic exchange with a new teammate.

It's a part-time retail environment, so no telling when I might see her again ... but when I do, I already know it will feel like meeting an old friend.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 34

This Send Me Encouragement (SME) postcard* is heading out today … Wait - What is Send Me Encouragement -- and while this message is very specific to the recipient, I thought maybe it might be the message you need to hear today too...

“Life is an experiment. Proceed with intention and keep love constant.”

As we start this first week in February and as we continue to craft and curate this life experience, the encouragement that bubbles up within me is …

✨ Your intention creates what’s possible.

If small joys, acts of kindness and love for ourselves and others continues to be our focus, it will expand.

If frustration, anger and criticism of ourselves and others continues, well — it too, will expand.

“… by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” — David Mitchell

💕➡️ If love is the intention, it can also means patience, kindness, grace, mercy, rest, generosity, confirming the beauty around us, lifting others up and offering excellence, being thankful, grounded and present, radiating at high frequency.

😳 It’s a lot. And that’s not even all of it.

So maybe today is just about picking a facet of love that resonates with you the most, and living it out in the best way possible on your path.

*Send Me Encouragement (SME) is one of my creative projects. You can learn more here.