Saturday, August 3, 2024

Send Me Encouragement 2024 Day 216

Begin now, the best time is now. -- Chidiebere Orji Agbugba

Planned and prepped this month's SME posts. You will see images within this series on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. If you aren't already following me on these platforms -- and feel like having a bit more encouragement in your feed -- give me a follow.

This month, I decided to focus on the spirit of beginning.

Clearly, it is not the start of a new year ... nor, is it a halfway mark. And while there are many gearing up for a new school year this month (not us, hooray), that isn't really what I had in mind.

But the vibe in the air does feel very much like new beginnings.

Any maybe I'm being influenced a bit by tomorrow's New Moon (always a good time to focus on welcoming in the new-new and manifesting your next version of self) ... 

... or maybe it was GaryVee's TikTok about August ...

But that's where I am at. 

Ready for this ending to finally end; and ready to take steps forward into the next season. 

If that's what you feel too, I hope you'll get some encouragement out of this month's posts.