Tuesday, July 30, 2024

dōTERRA Customer Appreciation Event - SME Postcard Party


My local dōTERRA team is hosting a Customer Appreciation Event on SAT, August 10th from 10am to 2pm. 

With that in mind, we've been working to get in touch with customers and wellness advocates on our teams. We want everyone who wants to be there to know about it - so they can be there! 

We offer education and opportunities for connection via our Facebook Groups. And you know me, I am happy to send out emails when there are events worth hollerin' about. But, what I've learned in a few conversations I've had recently with people on my team, is that they're not really paying attention to emails. I think it plays into the sense of overwhelm a lot us are experiencing. 

With that in mind - I offered up the idea of postal pick-me-ups to the leaders on my dōTERRA Team. I don't know of anyone who hates getting positive snail mail. IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE, please by all means, use the comment section to set the record straight. 

Postcard Party was scheduled for MON, July 29th from 6pm to 8pm and open to anyone who wanted to send out postcards to their team members with invite info for our Customer Appreciation Event. I was happy with the pile I was able to send off after it was all said and done. 

We also hosted a Monday Night, Make A Roller event for the wider community at the same time.

It was a good time. I am always thankful for an opportunity to expand natural solutions, love and appreciation ... and a darn good party invite ... with others.

 If you'd like an easy and festive/relaxed introduction to dōTERRA essential oils, you are warmly welcome to join. It's a float in and out as your schedule allows. And as most events do, we'll have fatty-nibbles and beverages, giveaways, product testers -- and tons o' information about natural solutions.

You can get in touch to get more information. Email: wellness@jabsplethora.com