Sunday, March 20, 2016

What Zombies Feel Like Feasting on Brains

That moment you find out the boy you made out with last night spent the rest of the night in the ER and is leaving with a prescription for Amoxicillin.


I knew it was a bad idea.
But I wanted his mouth so badly.

Just goes to show how little my body knows about what's best for it.

I've been sick for what seems like forever. Not really, but long enough to get me behind. And if it's not me being sick, it's the kid who's bringing something home from the germ-farm (also known as elementary school), which ultimately knocks us out at the knees.

I am so tired of being sick and tired, and feeling like I'm living a zombie existence.

It's probably why I let him kiss me last night - I felt so alive, tingly and wet, and wanting more. Definitely not like a zombie. Unless that's what a zombie feels feasting on brains.