Monday, December 9, 2013

Emptied, but Still Present

It came upon me as I had one burned about halfway down.

The storm began within me.
It was me.
And then, it consumed me.

This section of my heart that I've been holding at bay with a fierce power, with so much of my life-source, erupted into the ravenous black hole that it truly has been - and I was overwhelmed.

I felt it rush out of my heart, the center of my being.
I felt it swirl around my body. I was dizzy with the motion.
I felt that it would be endless, that I would be lost in the abyss.

I knew - in that moment - I was gone.


And then it was gone.

I was emptied, but still present.

With peace I remembered: I am just the vessel. Everything has meaning.

And although I am not sure what the end game truly is, I've played my part. Fully. I've loved to the point of insanity. I've lived to tell the tale. I have lessons-learned, stories for each scar and a heart that beats stronger, even still.