There's been a lot going on...
...and I am always surprised by how much people don't know about me.
I'm kind of a social network whore...but, be that as it may, it doesn't
mean that anyone else is. So even though I post tons of updates, you may
not be getting a whole picture.
This is Part 4 in explaining all the tiny bits that are making up my current big picture.
Jenny - The Professional (Part Four)
...and the writing continues...
re: Love Letters
No, I don't plan on writing only Love Letters for the rest of my life. I mean, more than likely I will because that's kinda my thing, but I've got a list of 15+ other titles that I'd like to write as well.
I've got plans for a Love Letters, Volume 3 to be completed towards the end of summer, but don't hold me to that. I am not sure what the next few months hold, and it may be more towards fall or Christmas before Vol 3 is completed and ready for purchase.
re: Next Series
The next book on the publishing-horizon will be book 1 of a new series called From Within (after this blog, which is after my initial idea back-way-on-back from my college days). The book will be titled, Black Magic Woman...and it's been sitting on my coffee table for about five weeks now. All the content is written, it just needs to go through a thorough initial editing so that I can pass it to my Content Editors.
The content is rougher around the edges than what readers will be used to in Love Letters. It's an accumulation of my Id's play space - very raw and blunt observations on life as it pertains to heritage and passion.
I've got three books slated for the From Within series. Like I've already stated, book 1 has all of its content. Book 2 and book 3 have about 1/2 of their content complete.
re: Blogs
I've got a handful of blogs: From Within (personal commentary), my OK place (traveling), the dark side (personal commentary protected behind a Content Warning) and yummy-goodness (food and cooking) - all of which I plan to continue. At the moment they are hosted on Blogger, but I do intend to continue them on my own domain (jab's plethora). Love Letters is also on Blogger and it will probably remain there for the time being.
Things have been supremely quite on the blogs for the last 3 months, but that was due to completing and publishing the books. (I may want to do it all, but I am learning that there is only so much that I can do at once...until they can provide me with aged clones, that is).
I've started a new blog on WordPress called Living with the Ex. You can find it at -- it seems that an unconventional opportunity to for me to move in with my ex-husband has made itself available...and I'm taking it. If you're interested in the how and why of it, I encourage you to read the blog.
re: Other Books
Like I said, I have 15+ titles that are nagging at me to get them written. There will be other works published in the future, whether I am able to eventually support myself on this pipe dream, whether a big-momma publisher picks me up, or whether I am working for someone else and writing on the side. The third option is my least favorite, for obvious reasons, but the writing just isn't going to stop.
I'm crazy for it, and you might as well commit me now.
Part 5 is coming soon...
...we'll discuss personal life events and changes...
Sunday, January 15, 2012
What's Up with you, Jenny?! (Part 3)
There's been a lot going on...
...and I am always surprised by how much people don't know about me.
I'm kind of a social network whore...but, be that as it may, it doesn't mean that anyone else is. So even though I post tons of updates, you may not be getting a whole picture.
This is Part 3 in explaining all the tiny bits that are making up my current big picture.
Jenny - The Professional (Part Three)
On Christmas Eve, I was spending time with friends who have become family, sharing a meal and catching up on the details of life. It was my turn to talk, so I dished about my little company's growth and how I wanted to move forward... some point, I'd really like to be in a position to give back to the community. I just don't know how yet, but I'm sure something will come to light.
My friend, the hostess, starting grinning and her eyes got sparkly.
(A bit of background information: she's a teacher at one of our local private schools.)
You know...we're in need of some professionals to come in and teach elective classes for the Spring Term. We don't have many options open for this kids this time around. Would you be willing to teach a writing class of sorts?
If life was like the movies, angels would have appeared and starting singing the Hallelujah chorus.
I knew immediately that I really wanted to do this, and started dusting off my teacher-skills (I was an 8th grade Language Arts teacher in 2002) so that I could put together a rough-draft syllabus. I've been spending time since that meeting trying to organize what I've learned in the last 3 months into a class outline appropriate for middle school aged students.
I received an initial approval from my friend and the teacher who heads up the Middle School. On January 13th, I presented the idea to the students and tried to make it sound as appealing as possible. Being published as a 6th, 7th or 8th grader will make just about anyone's eyes grow wide and dreamy, so I threw in a little reality check as well: I mentioned that if they didn't like to write, there was really no reason to sign up.
I mean for goodness sake, I really like to write and there are some days when I want to throw my hands up move on to something else.
Here's a rough draft of the project. Enjoy!
Write My Life is a course where students will be taught the process of self publishing. The syllabus includes an intense outline of objectives, each one stair-stepping towards the end goal: a published book.
Here's a basic outline on what you can expect:
1. Writing: Students will be using the Love and Appreciation Movement framework provided by jab's Love Letters to write expressive letters in each of the six (6) categories: I love you, I thank you, I miss you, I want you, I'm sorry, and I hope for you. The overall focus will challenge each student to acknowledge the important people in their lives by offering sentiments of love and appreciation.
2. Editing: Students will learn the importance of editing over and over again in order to provide the best possible content for the book. Editing sessions will include: individual editing, peer editing, workshop editing and teacher-to-student editing. Instruction in the differences between Content and Copy editing will be outlined so that the students have a working knowledge of how to incorporate each one in their review of content.
3. Formatting: The class will review the basic parts of a book and make some basic decisions on how the book and content within the book should be formatted. (The publisher will have final discretion in order to provide a high quality end product.)
4. Designing: The class will review the aspects of a successful book cover and incorporate those elements in the objectives list provided to the Designer. (The publisher will have final discretion in collaboration with the contracted Designer, in this case August Knight [], in order to provide a high quality end product.)
5. Autobiographies: Each student will be required to submit an brief autobiography that will be included in the book. The syllabus outline will challenge the students to focus on different aspects of self with the objective of inspiring a new awareness of personality and character within each child.
6. Marketing: Basic marketing strategies, including very basic email campaigns and the use of social networks, will be covered in order to raise awareness within the students on the responsibilities of "getting the word out." School-based outlets (website, newsletter, etc...) will be utilized as much as possible in order to raise awareness within the entire school community. (The publisher will also make its marketing platforms available in order to increase the profitability of the project.)
7. Community Awareness: The class will discuss the importance of success for personal gain, but also for the opportunity to "give back" to the community. In this case, students will be urged to use their marketing skills in order to sell the book as much as possible so that a portion of the proceeds can be returned to the school. Students will be challenged to investigate real needs within the school so that the opportunity of giving back is effective to its fullest potential. Proceeds will be collected for a year after publication and presented to the school by as many of the original students who are available to attending the ceremony.
8. Reviews / the Power of Social Marketing: Students will learn first-hand how important positive product reviews are and how to write them. The class will discuss the importance and weight of comments made and posted to social networks and online product pages.
Jenny - The Professional (Part 4) is coming soon...
...and I am always surprised by how much people don't know about me.
I'm kind of a social network whore...but, be that as it may, it doesn't mean that anyone else is. So even though I post tons of updates, you may not be getting a whole picture.
This is Part 3 in explaining all the tiny bits that are making up my current big picture.
Jenny - The Professional (Part Three)
On Christmas Eve, I was spending time with friends who have become family, sharing a meal and catching up on the details of life. It was my turn to talk, so I dished about my little company's growth and how I wanted to move forward... some point, I'd really like to be in a position to give back to the community. I just don't know how yet, but I'm sure something will come to light.
My friend, the hostess, starting grinning and her eyes got sparkly.
(A bit of background information: she's a teacher at one of our local private schools.)
You know...we're in need of some professionals to come in and teach elective classes for the Spring Term. We don't have many options open for this kids this time around. Would you be willing to teach a writing class of sorts?
If life was like the movies, angels would have appeared and starting singing the Hallelujah chorus.
I knew immediately that I really wanted to do this, and started dusting off my teacher-skills (I was an 8th grade Language Arts teacher in 2002) so that I could put together a rough-draft syllabus. I've been spending time since that meeting trying to organize what I've learned in the last 3 months into a class outline appropriate for middle school aged students.
I received an initial approval from my friend and the teacher who heads up the Middle School. On January 13th, I presented the idea to the students and tried to make it sound as appealing as possible. Being published as a 6th, 7th or 8th grader will make just about anyone's eyes grow wide and dreamy, so I threw in a little reality check as well: I mentioned that if they didn't like to write, there was really no reason to sign up.
I mean for goodness sake, I really like to write and there are some days when I want to throw my hands up move on to something else.
Here's a rough draft of the project. Enjoy!
Write My Life is a course where students will be taught the process of self publishing. The syllabus includes an intense outline of objectives, each one stair-stepping towards the end goal: a published book.
Here's a basic outline on what you can expect:
1. Writing: Students will be using the Love and Appreciation Movement framework provided by jab's Love Letters to write expressive letters in each of the six (6) categories: I love you, I thank you, I miss you, I want you, I'm sorry, and I hope for you. The overall focus will challenge each student to acknowledge the important people in their lives by offering sentiments of love and appreciation.
2. Editing: Students will learn the importance of editing over and over again in order to provide the best possible content for the book. Editing sessions will include: individual editing, peer editing, workshop editing and teacher-to-student editing. Instruction in the differences between Content and Copy editing will be outlined so that the students have a working knowledge of how to incorporate each one in their review of content.
3. Formatting: The class will review the basic parts of a book and make some basic decisions on how the book and content within the book should be formatted. (The publisher will have final discretion in order to provide a high quality end product.)
4. Designing: The class will review the aspects of a successful book cover and incorporate those elements in the objectives list provided to the Designer. (The publisher will have final discretion in collaboration with the contracted Designer, in this case August Knight [], in order to provide a high quality end product.)
5. Autobiographies: Each student will be required to submit an brief autobiography that will be included in the book. The syllabus outline will challenge the students to focus on different aspects of self with the objective of inspiring a new awareness of personality and character within each child.
6. Marketing: Basic marketing strategies, including very basic email campaigns and the use of social networks, will be covered in order to raise awareness within the students on the responsibilities of "getting the word out." School-based outlets (website, newsletter, etc...) will be utilized as much as possible in order to raise awareness within the entire school community. (The publisher will also make its marketing platforms available in order to increase the profitability of the project.)
7. Community Awareness: The class will discuss the importance of success for personal gain, but also for the opportunity to "give back" to the community. In this case, students will be urged to use their marketing skills in order to sell the book as much as possible so that a portion of the proceeds can be returned to the school. Students will be challenged to investigate real needs within the school so that the opportunity of giving back is effective to its fullest potential. Proceeds will be collected for a year after publication and presented to the school by as many of the original students who are available to attending the ceremony.
8. Reviews / the Power of Social Marketing: Students will learn first-hand how important positive product reviews are and how to write them. The class will discuss the importance and weight of comments made and posted to social networks and online product pages.
Jenny - The Professional (Part 4) is coming soon...
...I mean, I am not just going to write Love Letters until the end of time...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
What's Up with you, Jenny?! (Part 2)
There's been a lot going on...
...and I am always surprised by how much people don't know about me.
I'm kind of a social network whore...but, be that as it may, it doesn't mean that anyone else is. So even though I post tons of updates, you may not be getting a whole picture.
This is Part 2 in explaining all the tiny bits that are making up my current big picture.
Jenny - The Professional (Part Two)
In Part 1 I told you that I now own a company: jab's plethora
The company was set up so that I can self publish from a strong platform. I don't want to take the time to convince major publishers that any of my ideas are good ones (at least not at this point). That takes a lot of time and energy; and I would much rather focus on the list of projects that I'd like to see come to fruition (I've got a bunch of them). So, that's what I'm doing. If big-momma-publisher sees me doing my thing and wants to pick me up, that'd be lovely. But, I'm not going to hold my breath.
I have a lot of content already written that just needs to be edited and formatted into books :D
The first project I decided to tackle was the Love Letters series and at this point I have both Book 1 and Book 2 published and available for purchase.
BY THE WAY -- I have a Facebook page (and would appreciate your "like") and am currently working on the website. I hope to have an initial site ready for launch sometime before the end of this month. (But for other reasons, not yet discussed, that's gonna be a stretch.)
BOOK 1 - Love Letters, Volume 1: Moving On, Growing Up
Based on the real-life journey of a woman who wanted to grab every opportunity to express love and appreciation for the people who added value to her life: family, friends, one is excluded. This collection of love letters helps us realize that many different people help shape the course of our life; and we should treasure every person, every moment that brings us to this exact spot within our development. Face your love!
The Love Letters collection has inspired the Love and Appreciation movement, encouraging each person to acknowledge the special people in their lives by writing their own love letter. It isn't hard and doesn't require eloquence, only sincerity. Be a part of the online community:
BOOK 2 - Love Letters, Volume 2: Being Adult
The Love and Appreciation Movement, inspired by the Love Letters series, continues forward encompassing a new category: tribulation. Life isn't perfect, neither is love. Our experiences are multi-faceted and perfect only because of their imperfections. Love Letters, Volume 2: Being Adult explores the idea of love with a deeper, more complex analysis. Each letter expresses love - as it is, raging with honesty.
The author continues her journey detailing a commitment to a. love herself and b. love others. She transforms her passion into the kinds of words that grab hearts and inspire change. Her perspective challenges each person to acknowledge the love that resides in their heart; and share it with the understanding that shared-love will ripple outward, like lake water disturbed by a pebble.
Although the books are within the same series and formatted the same way (using categories), they are different beasts.
I like to say that Book 1 is like cotton candy. It's short and sweet...and can be read over your morning cup of coffee. You can read the reviews posted on Amazon to get a better idea of what to expect. After you read the book, I'd love it if you posted your own review on Amazon or emailed it to
Book 2 is about 40 pages longer than the first one...and is denser. Instead of cotton candy, it's more like Shepherd's Pie. The writing is more expressive, more emotional. It was published on January 10th, so there aren't any reviews yet on Amazon, but I'd be pleased as punch if you decided to write a review after reading it. You can also send a review to -- we'd love to post it on our various social networks.
If you're interested in purchasing an autographed copy of either of the books, I will have them available for purchase on the site (only Book 1 is available at the time of this blog post). If you aren't worried about having an autographed copy and/or would like information on how to find an eBook version of the books - I've got that information available on the website.
***If you have any problems with the website...a link, a form submission, a purchase, etc...please let me know - you can email and tell me what's going on. I would appreciate your support in this matter, as I am running in 15 bazillion directions and sometimes smaller details are missed (ack - did I admit that?! sure enough did...)
Jenny - The Professional (Part 3) is coming soon...
...and we'll talk about the Write My Life project.
...and I am always surprised by how much people don't know about me.
I'm kind of a social network whore...but, be that as it may, it doesn't mean that anyone else is. So even though I post tons of updates, you may not be getting a whole picture.
This is Part 2 in explaining all the tiny bits that are making up my current big picture.
Jenny - The Professional (Part Two)
In Part 1 I told you that I now own a company: jab's plethora
The company was set up so that I can self publish from a strong platform. I don't want to take the time to convince major publishers that any of my ideas are good ones (at least not at this point). That takes a lot of time and energy; and I would much rather focus on the list of projects that I'd like to see come to fruition (I've got a bunch of them). So, that's what I'm doing. If big-momma-publisher sees me doing my thing and wants to pick me up, that'd be lovely. But, I'm not going to hold my breath.
I have a lot of content already written that just needs to be edited and formatted into books :D
The first project I decided to tackle was the Love Letters series and at this point I have both Book 1 and Book 2 published and available for purchase.
BY THE WAY -- I have a Facebook page (and would appreciate your "like") and am currently working on the website. I hope to have an initial site ready for launch sometime before the end of this month. (But for other reasons, not yet discussed, that's gonna be a stretch.)
BOOK 1 - Love Letters, Volume 1: Moving On, Growing Up
Based on the real-life journey of a woman who wanted to grab every opportunity to express love and appreciation for the people who added value to her life: family, friends, one is excluded. This collection of love letters helps us realize that many different people help shape the course of our life; and we should treasure every person, every moment that brings us to this exact spot within our development. Face your love!
The Love Letters collection has inspired the Love and Appreciation movement, encouraging each person to acknowledge the special people in their lives by writing their own love letter. It isn't hard and doesn't require eloquence, only sincerity. Be a part of the online community:
BOOK 2 - Love Letters, Volume 2: Being Adult
The Love and Appreciation Movement, inspired by the Love Letters series, continues forward encompassing a new category: tribulation. Life isn't perfect, neither is love. Our experiences are multi-faceted and perfect only because of their imperfections. Love Letters, Volume 2: Being Adult explores the idea of love with a deeper, more complex analysis. Each letter expresses love - as it is, raging with honesty.
The author continues her journey detailing a commitment to a. love herself and b. love others. She transforms her passion into the kinds of words that grab hearts and inspire change. Her perspective challenges each person to acknowledge the love that resides in their heart; and share it with the understanding that shared-love will ripple outward, like lake water disturbed by a pebble.
Although the books are within the same series and formatted the same way (using categories), they are different beasts.
I like to say that Book 1 is like cotton candy. It's short and sweet...and can be read over your morning cup of coffee. You can read the reviews posted on Amazon to get a better idea of what to expect. After you read the book, I'd love it if you posted your own review on Amazon or emailed it to
Book 2 is about 40 pages longer than the first one...and is denser. Instead of cotton candy, it's more like Shepherd's Pie. The writing is more expressive, more emotional. It was published on January 10th, so there aren't any reviews yet on Amazon, but I'd be pleased as punch if you decided to write a review after reading it. You can also send a review to -- we'd love to post it on our various social networks.
If you're interested in purchasing an autographed copy of either of the books, I will have them available for purchase on the site (only Book 1 is available at the time of this blog post). If you aren't worried about having an autographed copy and/or would like information on how to find an eBook version of the books - I've got that information available on the website.
***If you have any problems with the website...a link, a form submission, a purchase, etc...please let me know - you can email and tell me what's going on. I would appreciate your support in this matter, as I am running in 15 bazillion directions and sometimes smaller details are missed (ack - did I admit that?! sure enough did...)
Jenny - The Professional (Part 3) is coming soon...
...and we'll talk about the Write My Life project.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
What's Up with you, Jenny?! (Part 1)
There's been a lot going on...
...and I am always surprised by how much people don't know about me.
I'm kind of a social network whore...but, be that as it may, it doesn't mean that anyone else is. So even though I post tons of updates, you may not be getting a whole picture.
This is Part 1 in explaining all the tiny bits that are making up my current big picture.
Jenny - The Professional (Part One)
I don't work at WebSpark anymore. I left my position as Operations Manager in October 2011 for many reasons. One of the strongest, most compelling, back-me-into-a-corner type reason was that I wanted to pursue my writing career.
And so, that's what I've done.
I am on a path I would have never expected, but here I am...and loving it.
I own my own company: jab's plethora
I have a Facebook page (and would appreciate your "like") and am currently working on the website. I hope to have an initial site ready for launch sometime before the end of this month. (But for other reasons, not yet discussed, that's gonna be a stretch.)
***And let me take a moment to be thankful for my previous position at WebSpark. I was there for 2+ years and learned many, many skills that I am utilizing now.***
The company was set up so that I can self publish from a strong platform. I don't want to take the time to convince major publishers that any of my ideas are good ones (at least not at this point). That takes a lot of time and energy; and I would much rather focus on the list of projects that I'd like to see come to fruition (I've got a bunch of them). So, that's what I'm doing. If big-momma-publisher sees me doing my thing and wants to pick me up, that'd be lovely. But, I'm not going to hold my breath.
The first project I decided to tackle was the Love Letters series. As I invested time into the project, I was inspired to create a website to collect other people's love letters, if they wanted to share them. I've been running the jab's Love Letters website since November and encourage everyone to come and take a look.
I wanted the website to have a solid and professional looking Home Page and I had a few NC local photographers agree to be featured! Check out their work and book their services!
The website offers a simple contact form so that people can send in their letters!
I also thought it would be nice to allow people to post snapshots of love, so we've got a submission form for that as well.
I'd really like people to get comfortable with the idea to send us Love Letter videos so that we can post them to our YouTube Channel, but that's probably going to take a while; or it may be something that I can explore for book signing events. if you're a YouTube junkie, please subscribe to the channel. I would much appreciate it!
If you're interested in purchasing an autographed copy of either of the books, I will have them available for purchase on the site (only Book 1 is available at the time of this blog post). If you aren't worried about having an autographed copy and/or would like information on how to find an eBook version of the books - I've got that information available on the website as well.
***If you have any problems with the website...a link, a form submission, a purchase, etc...please let me know - you can email and tell me what's going on. I would appreciate your support in this matter, as I am running in 15 bazillion directions and sometimes smaller details are missed (ack - did I admit that?! sure enough did...)
One of the most important things to know about the jab's Love Letters website is that new love letters (and pictures) are posted EVERY THURSDAY. Visit the site each week to see how people are expressing love and appreciation to each other.
Tell your friends...
Email your favorite news station...
Post a comment on your various social networks...
TALK IT UP!!! Valentine's Day is coming up and it's a perfect shoo-in...
Jenny - The Professional (Part 2) is coming soon...
...and we'll discuss a little bit more about the first two books that I've published.
...and I am always surprised by how much people don't know about me.
I'm kind of a social network whore...but, be that as it may, it doesn't mean that anyone else is. So even though I post tons of updates, you may not be getting a whole picture.
This is Part 1 in explaining all the tiny bits that are making up my current big picture.
Jenny - The Professional (Part One)
I don't work at WebSpark anymore. I left my position as Operations Manager in October 2011 for many reasons. One of the strongest, most compelling, back-me-into-a-corner type reason was that I wanted to pursue my writing career.
And so, that's what I've done.
I am on a path I would have never expected, but here I am...and loving it.
I own my own company: jab's plethora
I have a Facebook page (and would appreciate your "like") and am currently working on the website. I hope to have an initial site ready for launch sometime before the end of this month. (But for other reasons, not yet discussed, that's gonna be a stretch.)
***And let me take a moment to be thankful for my previous position at WebSpark. I was there for 2+ years and learned many, many skills that I am utilizing now.***
The company was set up so that I can self publish from a strong platform. I don't want to take the time to convince major publishers that any of my ideas are good ones (at least not at this point). That takes a lot of time and energy; and I would much rather focus on the list of projects that I'd like to see come to fruition (I've got a bunch of them). So, that's what I'm doing. If big-momma-publisher sees me doing my thing and wants to pick me up, that'd be lovely. But, I'm not going to hold my breath.
The first project I decided to tackle was the Love Letters series. As I invested time into the project, I was inspired to create a website to collect other people's love letters, if they wanted to share them. I've been running the jab's Love Letters website since November and encourage everyone to come and take a look.
I wanted the website to have a solid and professional looking Home Page and I had a few NC local photographers agree to be featured! Check out their work and book their services!
The website offers a simple contact form so that people can send in their letters!
I also thought it would be nice to allow people to post snapshots of love, so we've got a submission form for that as well.
I'd really like people to get comfortable with the idea to send us Love Letter videos so that we can post them to our YouTube Channel, but that's probably going to take a while; or it may be something that I can explore for book signing events. if you're a YouTube junkie, please subscribe to the channel. I would much appreciate it!
If you're interested in purchasing an autographed copy of either of the books, I will have them available for purchase on the site (only Book 1 is available at the time of this blog post). If you aren't worried about having an autographed copy and/or would like information on how to find an eBook version of the books - I've got that information available on the website as well.
***If you have any problems with the website...a link, a form submission, a purchase, etc...please let me know - you can email and tell me what's going on. I would appreciate your support in this matter, as I am running in 15 bazillion directions and sometimes smaller details are missed (ack - did I admit that?! sure enough did...)
One of the most important things to know about the jab's Love Letters website is that new love letters (and pictures) are posted EVERY THURSDAY. Visit the site each week to see how people are expressing love and appreciation to each other.
Tell your friends...
Email your favorite news station...
Post a comment on your various social networks...
TALK IT UP!!! Valentine's Day is coming up and it's a perfect shoo-in...
Jenny - The Professional (Part 2) is coming soon...
...and we'll discuss a little bit more about the first two books that I've published.
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