Saturday, September 3, 2011

the whispers, the voices

I hear you.
Don't think that I don't.

Oh, god, I want to.
Don't think that I don't.

But I can't this time. I've got the weight of responsibility on me; and though I would much prefer to listen to you and dance and run....
 ....I've got to submit to the consequences of my decisions.

What kind of person would I be if I forsook the demands that are required of me; that were put in place my my own choices? I'd be a coward...a loser. I can't be that -- even you would be disappointed.

Don't pretend that you wouldn't.

What you like best about me is that I commit full-force...whether it is for work...or play.
I promise that I will play sometime soon. I will set up the game board appropriately soon.

I will. You know that.
And we will create a lustful agenda of dastardly deeds.