Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chicken Pie - Southern Living Style

Something about the morning air - cool and damp - whispered to me that this would be a perfect night for chicken pie. The little man was scheduled to be with his dad and it occurred to me that I wouldn't have to feign horror at the fact that there would be no vegetables present at the dinner table; or that the dinner wouldn't be at the table, but eaten snuggled on the couch. 

The chilled breeze floated across the back of my neck and as I bent my head to stretched with it, the craving of buttery rich crunch meeting creamy chicken overwhelmed me. I knew exactly which recipe I would make.

There's an old Southern Living recipe that makes a splendid meal, one that would target this craving directly. I remember it fondly as one of my first experiences with chicken pie in North Carolina as a child.

I found an archive link: