Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apple Rolls

I promised people at the party on Saturday night as I was leaving early, small child in tow, "Sure. Come over tomorrow morning, as early as you can manage after staying up late. We'll be up. I will have fresh coffee and some sort of apple-based yummy-goodness."

At this point in my experience with the apples, as many people as I can invite to come over and help me eat, the better I will be for it. These apples, cooked however I choose, require a decent amount of sugar added; and I've got a pair of tight, sexy jeans that I am trying to get into this fall season.

Sunday morning came too early for me. Thank goodness the kid saw fit to remind me that I needed up get up early and get things started. His method is tried and true: jumping on my bed works every time.

And so, with the little man settled into a Lego kind of morning, I started a pot of coffee. I heaved the never-ending bag of apples on the tall kitchen stool and started peeling with a pleasant resignation. It is always easier for me to engage in the grunt work when I know that I will be able to share the outcome with people I love.

The guests started trickling in...
I had apple pie and apple butter ready. The apple crisp was in progress. And I was marinating on how to incorporate the crescent roll dough in my fridge to create something fresh and warm. I was already a little tuckered, so I chose the obvious. Roll up some marinated apples in the dough and bake.

Done and done.

It dawned on me that I was going to have to chop the apples pretty fine. Crescent roll dough is completely baked within 11 to 15 mins. I didn't want to have a crunchy effect because the apple pieces were too big without enough time to cook through; and neither did I want to have overdone dough.

Alize Apple Rolls with Cinnamon
This portion of apples was mixed in a bowl with some powered sugar and Passion Alize. Decently generous spoonfuls of apples were placed on a rectangle of dough (I pressed 2 triangles together, patted them down and cut rectangles instead) and rolled up as best as possible.

Good thing about morning-after-party breakfast guests is that they aren't too worried about how pretty the food looks; they just want it to taste good.

The rolls were drizzled with the Alize-sugar liquid left in the bowl and then sprinkled with a enthusiastic dusting of cinnamon.

Baked for approximately 12 minutes, these were a hit!

Cinnamon Apple Rolls with Sugar Dressing
This portion of apples was mixed in the bowl with cinnamon (very generous dusting) and powered sugar. I drizzled just a tad of half & half to make a sauce of sorts. The dough rectangles were first dipped into the sauce at the bottom of the bowl and then filled with apples. After baking they were drizzled with a powdered sugar sauce.

These were good as well; a little too sweet for my Sunday-morning tastes, but if you need that sugar high to get you rolling, I would definitely recommend this option.