Sunday, August 7, 2011

if you are ready to settle, move on please

Please, please - don't look at me and think that I might be the type of girl that you'd like to settle down with...

(ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little)

Look, it's not that I blame you for having the idea...

You're a man who's come to a point in his life where you're ready to find a nice girl, marry her, buy a house, make some babies and raise them. You've partied hard. You've achieved professional success. You've been in the ocean and checked out the fish.

Your biological clock is getting louder....
You're feeling societal pressure to join the evolutionary trail, the process by which the species continues to thrive. A little closer to home, your parents (ok, your mom) keeps hinting how nice it would be to have some grandchildren to coddle.

You're looking around...and you see me: a pretty single mom engaged in a successful career with minimal drama, who is fairly pleasant and easy to get along with. Not a bad deal, you think. The existing kid serves to provide picture-perfect family in no time flat, giving your mom instant grandmahood status and relieving the tick-tock pressure in your mind.

Don't take this the wrong way; and don't think that I don't appreciate your attention. But, save us both some trouble and just keep looking.
I'm not a good idea if you're concerned with achieving the status quo for adult life, if you're waiting to enjoy that contented sigh of finally settling down.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy contented sighs from time to time:
After a tickle-fest session with the kid...
After a day of rock crawling through muddy trails...
After a night of dancing and rocking-out to live music...
After a long morning of orgasmic-sex...

But, if you'll notice, my contented sighs aren't associated in the slightest with the idea of settling...Instead, they are associated with thrill and passion...with heat and sweat and lust.

I'm the type of girl that still plans on sowing wild oats, plenty of them....with the right kind of guy.

The kind of guy that isn't ready to settle; who'll never be ready to settle.