This is Just to Say
I have bitten
into his neck
a thousand times
in my dreams
which would
probably upset you
seeing the "he"
is you
Don't worry
There was no blood
Only sweat, spit
And lust
In ...and the party begins, I was challenged to create my own variations of WCW's "This is Just to Say" --- one of many, I assume, that will come to fruition.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
My local dōTERRA team is hosting a Customer Appreciation Event on SAT, August 10th from 10am to 2pm. With that in mind, we've been wo...
The beginning is always today. -- Mary Shelley Are you familiar with the book Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery? There’s a quote t...
At Send Me Encouragement, we love shipping postal pick-me-ups so that you can wait with positive anticipation for your snailmail. But at the...