Wednesday, July 7, 2010

can you help me remember

I know that is has been a while and that you've moved on, but I need your help.

You told me once that I had the ability to shrink a man's balls to the size of raisins, to suck out every bit if his testosterone, to hand his manhood back to him sliced and served on a silver platter; and still, at the end of it, make him love me anyway. But in the process, the boundaries were defined and we could move on smoothly, easily as friends.

Bless you, you would know better than many others how that goes down- I was in my prime then. But now, I am out of practice and somehow back on the field. I need to remember the balance I struck, so that I can pull off plays like that once again.

I have the feeling I am going to really need that skill moving forward.