Wednesday, July 7, 2010

go get some one else's blood

It is way after dark. Aren't you suppose to be abed with your posse? Why are you out? No, my sweet blood is not available for your enjoyment- get real! I have other plans for that ambrosia-liquid, and none of them involve sacrificing any drops to your blood-lust.

So, go away- and find some other bank to steal from. I've have had quite enough of you.

I hear you

I know that you worry about me. That you don't even like that part of me. But, I love it.

I lead a very public life. I post my comings, goings, happenings- fun and sad. Pictures of this and that- and of as many tasty morsels as I can. I enjoy it. Sharing the adventure is a riot- my version of extreme sports, you could say.

But, not everything is in the communal view- I promise. There is still the quiet, silent private life. I definitely pick and choose what's "out there" for others to enjoy. And, believe you me, there is still enough for me to enjoy and relish all to my own.

And with my wicked smile, I will move forward with my way no matter what you say. Just know, that I hear you. I've not parceled out everything.

please listen

She looked at me breathless, "Can you do something about this?"

What the hell did she want me to do?! It was only a matter of time before she was pursued. She was naive to think she could avoid it for too long. And really? She's silly to think that I can do anything for her.

There's nothing that I can do, except tell her to grow a pair and handle her own business like the grown woman that she is.

I take a deep breath and look in the mirror. She's more stubborn than she looks. You could almost mistake her for being soft and sweet- in fact, many do; but the inner circle knows better. I exhale and brace myself.

O, God, I hope she listens.

can you help me remember

I know that is has been a while and that you've moved on, but I need your help.

You told me once that I had the ability to shrink a man's balls to the size of raisins, to suck out every bit if his testosterone, to hand his manhood back to him sliced and served on a silver platter; and still, at the end of it, make him love me anyway. But in the process, the boundaries were defined and we could move on smoothly, easily as friends.

Bless you, you would know better than many others how that goes down- I was in my prime then. But now, I am out of practice and somehow back on the field. I need to remember the balance I struck, so that I can pull off plays like that once again.

I have the feeling I am going to really need that skill moving forward.

don't look at me

Don't look at me like that. You don't have to understand. I am not asking you to- I am not asking you to like me even-

I fear it. Getting close to you will make me weak.

You will sucker me in. Encourage me to depend on you; I will learn to depend on you; and then I will want to depend on you. And in the climax of need, when I am dependent, you will fail me. And I will be crushed.

So, let's just not go there, if you don't mind.
Appreciate the thorns that keep us apart- see down the road? The thorns serve good purpose to protect from future ruin.