I recently purchased a mifi device from Verizon. This small black box goes with you wherever you might choose to go and provides you with a wifi signal for up to 5 devices. So, you don't even have to plug anything in- just press the "on" button. Now, of course, this amazing convenience comes with a price...and a limit; but just think about how cool this is-
I was in the passenger seat of my car- we were on I40 around mile marker 70- going through the mountains; and there were several things that I wanted to check online. I busted out the mifi device and switched it on. I started buying songs through my iTouch and worked on my computer for about 20 mins; and then I was done, and everything got turned off.
That kind of ability to connect on a whim; and disconnect back into obscurity is a wonderful thing.
(Oh, wait: I do have the BlackBerry; but YOU know what I mean ; )
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My local dōTERRA team is hosting a Customer Appreciation Event on SAT, August 10th from 10am to 2pm. With that in mind, we've been wo...
The beginning is always today. -- Mary Shelley Are you familiar with the book Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery? There’s a quote t...
At Send Me Encouragement, we love shipping postal pick-me-ups so that you can wait with positive anticipation for your snailmail. But at the...