Sunday, August 30, 2009

play nice and take turns

I'd like to look at him and say, "You have an absolute inability to think past your selfish motivations and desired outcomes!"

And then, I playfully tap myself on the forehead and giggle to myself. Surely that can apply to ALL men?

Chagrinned over my sexist prejudice, I can allow that both men and women suffer from this state of selfishness- an absolute selfishness where no other thoughts can even materialize. And I certainly am not suggesting that I don't have "selfish motivations and desired outcomes;" but at least I can think through and prepare for other outcomes as well. A little step in mental preparation so that I can handle other outcomes with grace and ease and acceptance without drama (without a tantrum).

Children are forgiven for their tantrums- they are still growing up, learning that there is an ebb and flow to selfishness and selflessness. Adults, whether they be male or female, should have already learned this lesson; and since we're all in this dreadful existence called "life" together, should be prepared and ready to "play nice and take turns."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

160 characters

I've recently updated my wireless phone account to include unlimited texting. I am in love with this feature. Before, when texts were 10 or 20 cents a piece, I was (understandably) fairly stingy with how many I sent and received- and saved such an expense for only certain occasions. Now, I will send/receive a text for any reason. In fact, I have come to prefer this method of communication for quick send/response information. No need to hear someone's voice, when you just want their answer. Short and sweet-


: )


30 min

And I have 160 characters to use- seems like a lot for the mode of communication. Who needs that many spaces to fill with information? Well, I've learned that sometimes there is an art to the text style of communication. Sometimes, there is a lot you want to say. Sometimes, you have to send many texts to get your point across...

But what if you want to send one text- just one. So that it will be explanatory, but poignant? I want to get my heart across, but not let it go on and on (which I am sometimes prone to do). I am learning there is a method of editing. There is a whole system of grammar and spelling that specifically deals with the method of sending texts...

Most of the world already knows this, but since I am coming out of my archaic wireless phone world- it's all been greek to me. And totally against the grain of my English training (okay, okay- I know I can't really claim that on the spelling part; but I do try on a general basis to spell correctly).

So, 160 characters.
Sometimes, it is an ocean of availability.
And sometimes, I am wondering why I even bother to text; I might as well send an email- or make the call.

Monday, August 3, 2009

new direction

This blog was created to talk about my trip to Oklahoma and to focus on my discoveries there. Well, now that I am back in North Carolina, it makes having this blog space obsolete. And I didn't think that was an acceptable option. I've decided to evolve this blog to include all my travels. And, in honor of this evolution, I've picked new template colors to celebrate!