Ah, it burns my soul.
The wondering- the worrying that comes with the wondering. I would love to belittle it into concern or distraction; but if I were being truly honest- and I am- full-fledged, dirty-ugly worry accompanies wonder in my brain...not all the time, but most of the time.
As much as I like to have fun- and I do have it; I live, breath, eat, sleep, etc...responsibility. I always resort to the baseline, consider the consequences, squelch the fun before it gets out of control- always.
(well, almost always)
And so, in moments outside of the always; in moments when I consider being rash and adventurous without first considering all the consequences, the wonder plagues me. It's automatic- I've tried to delete that part of my programming, but no luck (anyone want to help me with that?). I move forward and do my best to ignore the whoosh of my mind as it races to present end-results, all kinds of them, waving frantically at me to get my attention as I try to walk on. It is a very annoying characteristic.
I suppose for those who always want to make a good decision every single time, this would be a fairly fabulous thing; but I've come to accept that right decisions aren't always the good ones (afterall, good is a relative thing), and so I am mostly annoyed that my few times of spontaneous fun are ill with the wondering, with the curiosity of what will then happen next...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My local dōTERRA team is hosting a Customer Appreciation Event on SAT, August 10th from 10am to 2pm. With that in mind, we've been wo...
The beginning is always today. -- Mary Shelley Are you familiar with the book Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery? There’s a quote t...
At Send Me Encouragement, we love shipping postal pick-me-ups so that you can wait with positive anticipation for your snailmail. But at the...