I really needed some work to come in; and though I've had some really great interviews and second interviews- nothing permanent was coming in. I decided to transfer my attention to the temp agencies in the area. I called new places and sent updated information to the ones that I was already listed with-
"I am willing to take short term contracts. I need some work, any work ASAP."
And glory be- there was a call the next day from one of my favorite agencies: The Addison Group.
"Jennifer, you are willing to take on short terms? That would be great! We have an opportunity starting next Monday, and it will last 7 days. Would you be interested?"
I know that my bank account would be interested!
I wanted to double check the requirements and the location- no need to accept a position if I wasn't going to be able to get there from Rand's preschool or be able to pick him up in time. And another glory be- the 2 locations were only 12 min apart! Three cheers!
Clearly, I took the position.
And that is where I've been from 7:55am to 5:02pm the last several work, weekdays. (Give or take a couple of mins depending on the day and the commute.)
I love this feeling- I am going to work; I am earning money.
And the first two days came with a trainer: the lady I was replacing was around for 2 FULL DAYS of instruction- talk about awesome!! And she was a jewel- I am sorry that I didn't get a chance to work WITH her, instead of replacing her.
She warned me- there are only 6 women in the office; all the rest are guys (of varying age) that love to razz each other. It makes for an interesting work environment. "Stay on your toes," she said. And I am trying. Excuse me, I need to duck: there is a tootsie roll flying through the air....ouch!
And talk about being worn out. What I am doing is not particularly difficult, but I get off the clock and am wasted. I've been wiser about taking opportunities for extra sleep: getting to bed early, taking naps on the weekends.
If you need me in the morning or in the afternoon, you'll find me in OKC commuter traffic on I235.
And if you need me in the "in between" time, call the office- "The Womble Company. Your Pella Window Store. This is Jennifer."
Monday, May 11, 2009
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