Tuesday, March 3, 2009

let me explain

I've had many people ask: Wait?! I don't get it! Are you moving to OK?

The easy answer to all of this is:
I am visiting my college roomie from UNC. Her husband who is in the air force is gone for a 6 month training session. Since I didn't have a job in NC, it was a good time to pack up and explore a little. It may be a 2 week vacation; or, if things go well, I may spend the spring here.

The first few days here, I've been rather quiet because of issues getting online. But I just conquered setting up a wireless network for my friend's house, so I will be updating information more regularly. So, if you have any questions...SHOOT. If not, just explore vicariously though me and Rand.

If you want to send snail mail, my new address until further notice is:
Jennifer Busfield
9021 Button Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73160

**Hold off on the phone calls. I need to clarify some issues with my Verizon account. When I get things settled, I will provide a phone number as well (not that it will do you much good- i.e. I am not one for talking on the phone much.)