Thursday, March 5, 2009

k-love hug

I think it is interesting what you find comforting in times where you wade in the unknown.

I am familiar with K-LOVE from North Carolina. I don't listen to it much, but I am familiar. I know that many of my friends love to listen to it.

I was in North Little Rock battling the idea of where to spend the night. Rand and I were both tired and ready to call it quits on the driving for the day. I was experiencing some anxiety about where to stay. I was at a particular exit with multiple hotel choices, but for some reason, I couldn't shake the heeby-jeeby vibe.

I spent way to much time driving around, semi-aimlessly, before I chose to listen to the vibe and drive on down the road a little further. As I was flipping through the radio stations, trying to clear my head, I found K-LOVE. I was washed with a sense of love and home-folk. It was a great familiar feeling in a not-so-familiar place.