Friday, March 6, 2009

a special kind of place in OK

Many people may want to know what I have seen in OK so far. There is one kind of place that I have been to more than I care to mention: public restrooms!

I am in hard-core potty training mode with Rand, so leaving the house is always a production- making sure I have enough supplies for the road. Rand also has this "thing" about public restrooms. He is scared, and so he usually throws a fit. I am always dealing with some level of mortification when I have to deal with a public restroom situation with him. Situations like this take practice. What I mean is: Rand will slowly come around to situations he doesn't like if he is exposed to it a little at a time; like building an immunity to it.

And so, that leaves me with "practice makes perfect;" and mortification never killed anyone.
Charge forward and deal with it: that's another one of my mottoes.

Rand and I have been visiting all sorts of public restrooms in order to train him to expect different things, different sounds, different flushes, different soap, different hand-drying machines. He hasn't gotten to the point where he will actually use the potty each time; but I can usually get him to at least sit on the potty. (And truth be told, the first pee-pee in a public restroom was just the other day: at the zoo. And that made the road trip THAT much more interesting.)

And so, OK public restrooms.
I have seen quite a few of them.