Wednesday, February 25, 2009

the magic of packing procrastination

It is the morning before I leave on this great, most likely extensive, trip. And, I haven't packed yet. I've made lists of what needs to be packed. I've gathered a couple things in piles here and there throughout the house of things that I want to take. I have imagined how things will be stashed in the car. But I haven't actually pulled out the suitcases and bags, yet.

And this is pretty typical of me. For some reason, I think packing at the last minute is just a part of who I am. I wonder what that says about me.

The really big question is: Will I be able to pack everything I want to take AND STILL be able to fit the stroller into the truck. Hmmm...

And I will pack everything I want.
I mean, I will pack everything.

My nickname, given to me by my flatmates in London, is Mary Poppins. You know how she just kept pulling stuff out of her bag? She pulled much more than should have fit. It was a magic bag; it was a magic job of packing.

Eventually, when I start packing- that's how it will be: magic.