Monday, February 9, 2009


I am outside on the porch.
It is my moment alone.
I want to enjoy the outside, post-midnight noise.
The natural noise.

Instead, I hear a train rolling through downtown.
I hear it perfectly.
The air is clear and the sound travels effortlessly.
And it makes me think...

Where is it going?
Who is on it?
What is its cargo?
Where would I end up if I were on it?

I also hear the frogs in their endless song:
they remind me of the solidarity of my reality.

I hear the crackle of my kretek, and remember that there are some new trains that I have jumped on...

What other trains await?

Please, leave me alone.
This is my alone moment: no noise, no music, no talking. Just time for me to think and dream.
And breathe.