Resting in his arms
The new spring-green leaves contrast
The blue morning sky
His white skin is like
The masculine ladybug
Freckled with brown spots
This smell- his old smell
The stale sweat of his body
Refreshes my sense
Heat from the embers
The still-hot pleasures enflame
The crisp morning air
The fan-cool air chills
My sweat-moist skin awakens
My desire calls
His guttural groan
Like fire- it burns the mass,
My deep hidden thoughts
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My local dōTERRA team is hosting a Customer Appreciation Event on SAT, August 10th from 10am to 2pm. With that in mind, we've been wo...
The beginning is always today. -- Mary Shelley Are you familiar with the book Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery? There’s a quote t...
At Send Me Encouragement, we love shipping postal pick-me-ups so that you can wait with positive anticipation for your snailmail. But at the...