Wednesday, October 8, 2008

do you smell those fumes...

...they are coming from my brain.

For those of you who don't know- I am currently without employment. I left LabCorp in a step of faith at the end of August. The time home to rest, heal, and engage has been wonderful.

God has given us enough in that time to make sure the bills were covered.
So, let's take a minute to praise HIM for looking out for my family!!!

And now that minute is over-
I am freakin' out! I am the one who takes care of the bills in my family, and I am anal about the details. I have mentioned to God that having a second salary coming in...a little cushion, so to speak, would be preferable to the "just enough," thank you so much. And I am sending out all kinds of applications....

...and that is where the fumes are coming from. My goodness....can't they just take a blood sample and be done? I want to be so careful. I want to make sure each application I send out (to wherever) is perfect and original- that means specific cover letters as well. SIGH~

My head hurts.

So, if you think about it (or if that once-educated-brain-is-now-overdone smell wafts through your window and into your nose and reminds you of my plight) send a prayer up for me. I am asking God for something interesting, for decent money, and for something local (so that I can engage in mothering duties). But I am open to his will-

-and yes, even if that means I have to be patient.
(it is unfortunate, I am not one of those silent-while-waiting type of believers....)