Friday, September 12, 2008

the other kids

There are these kids that I want to play with-
I know some of them. They like me. And know that I would be a great addition to their group. Sometimes, I know that I would be a great addition to their group; and then other times, I am second guessing myself.

The ones that know me are cheering me on- "Come and play! You'll be great! We'll be so happy to have you on our team!" But I have to convince the whole group- the vote has to be unanimous.

There are code words that I have to learn.
Sometimes, there are costumes to wear.
There are certain ways to do certain things at certain times.

Funny that I want to join them....with all those rules.

But with the rules and secret codes comes a whole new part of the playground.
I am tired of the same old monkey bars. I am ready to climb up the steps, so that I can go down that amazing twisty slide.