Thursday, September 18, 2008

the greatest weekend...

I have an amazing weekend planned with the girls- one of "those" weekends.
Here is what it takes to have one of "those" weekends.
(this list is NOT in order of importance- it is ALL equally important!!)

1. Laugh Yourself to Sleep: Nighttime Devotions for the "Unconventional" Woman
2. 5 Star Accomodations
3. Private Beach
4. 2 gal pals that have known me almost 17 years...really, they are family-
5. Triple-Sec, Margarita Mix, Jose
6. Absolute Citron
7. Mango flavored RUM (b/c there ALWAYS has to been SOME rum...yum!)
8. frozen fruit
9. "Blue Like Jazz"
10. "The Shack"
11. Awesome array of funky, crazy, AWESOME jewelry
12. sense of adventure
13. desire for more ink
14. Crazy, orange dress
15. Funky Jason-Mraz-Michael-Jackson HAT
16. my apple
17. my iPod
18. my journal
19. my Crocs
20. oh, yea, and some money...

Planning on having a smashing time!